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富贵生命館 2 Nirvana 2
Nirvana Center Kuala Lumpur (NCKL)

Nirvana Center KL
繁华都市中的生命殿堂-坐落於吉隆坡交通脈膊的黃金三角地帶, 富贵生命館是市中心的五星级豪华私营靜心养息之殿堂。 繁华都市中的永恆国度; 事前规划,心无牽掛。
1. 位於吉隆坡市中心黄金地段
2. 完美融合骨灰殿堂与追思礼堂
3. 五星级堂皇骨灰殿堂
4. 一站式专业殡仪服务
5. 五星级设施 (花店,便利店,餐厛,休憇大厛,佛教徒祭拜礼堂,一应俱全
6. 富贵集团擁有超过马币2亿永久信讬基金(道路园艺及设施确保永久管理 )
7. 非凡的投资价值
8. 零利息分期付款
Nirvana Center Kuala Lumpur location at Google Maps
Nirvana Center Kuala Lumpur
The Only Privatization Columbarium In Kuala Lumpur City Centre
A Spiritual In The Heart Of City. Nirvana Life Memorial Center is a private five-star spiritually invigorating retreat that nourishes your soul and calms your mind.
A Gem In The Bustling City. Pre-Planning, Total Peace Of Mind
The very design of this establishment allows for harnessing the free-flowing "CHI" from nature through the open-structure concept. Gracing the elegant grand hall are three majestic statues of the Trinity of Western Paradise, in the form of the Bodhisatta (God of Earth), Amitabba Buddha and Guan Yin (Goddess of Mercy). This is such a holy place that leads the departed to the land of Eternel Bliss while seeking blessings for posterity.
Top 8 Benefits Of Nirvana Center (Kuala Lumpur)
1. Ideal location in the heart of KL city
2. Perfect Combination of columbarium and memorial hall
3. Five-star magnificent columbarium
4. One-stop-worry-free funeral service
5. Five-star facility - Florist, Convenience store, Cafe, Resting areas, Public Praying Area (for Buddhist), etc
6. Over RM200 milions of perpetual maintenance Trust Fund
7. Excellent investment value
8. Zero interest installment
English Version

Ideal location in the heart of KL city

Five-star facilities

Broadband wide and bright lobby

Multi Purpose Hall

Christian / Catholic Memorial Hall

Antique Memorial Hall

Buddhism / Taoism Memorial Hall

Buddhist / Taoist Columbarium

Christian / Catholic Columbarium (Coming Soon)

Modern Columbarium

Hall D- GuanYin (Goddess of Mercy)

Hall B- Amitabha Buddha