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012-4011217 (Penang)

Nirvana Memorial Park Semenyih
富貴山莊 (士毛月)

Nirvana Memorial Park (Semenyih)

Nirvana Memorial Garden (Semenyih)

Nirvana Memorial Garden (Semenyih) Zone NVE

Nirvana Memorial Park (Semenyih)
共佔地515英畝的士毛月富貴山莊,乃全世界最大的私營化風景墓園。富貴山莊的地勢絕佳,坐西向東,前面有眾山朝拜,後有群戀護衛,中有水源,具備 山高水闊之雄偉氣勢。其龍頭穴位正好于山脈中央,左青龍之勢,又有白虎之威,青龍下方有瀑布流水,堪稱最上乘的風水架構,是一片幽靜而古樸的人間淨土。
佔地3英畝的藝術墓園,專位客戶量身訂制的典雅墓碑,反映客戶輝煌一生的精致地標,亦乃後人瞻仰先賢成就的光輝殿堂。富貴山莊不僅是國際墓園、火化暨殯葬協會(ICCFA)的成員,更是全世界第一家榮獲ISO 9001:2008證書的私營墓園。這顯示了富貴山莊在銷售、管理及服務等領域獲國際認同。
Nirvana Memorial Park location at Google Map
Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih is the largest memorial park in Asia. It is strategically situated in Semenyih, Selangor with approximately 588 acres of land and only 25 minutes accessible via highways from Kuala Lumpur.Nirvana burial plots are recognized by internationally acclaimed Fengshui masters as excellent geomancy sites which creating an atmosphere of peacefulness for the resting of the departed loved ones.Nirvana Feng Shui is supported by hills and good contours as well as “dragon” on its left and a “tiger” on its right, commanding an ideal setting geomancy. Pre-planning of burial plots and erection of pre-need tombs will help promote longevity and health, passing down blessing of prosperity upon posterity.
Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih is featured with its outstanding landscaping, lush greenery and beautiful flora and has won numerous awards and recognition in both state and national levels. For the second time in March 2001, the Park won 1st prize, non-Muslim Religious Structure Category at the National Landscape Competition 2000, an event patronized by the Prima Minister YAB Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. The awards speak volume for the overall quality landscaping in Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih.Nirvana Memorial Park comes with integrated designs and a systematic management ran by professionals and it is adequately equipped with ample parking bays, spacious roads and other infrastructure that caters to prayer needs. The wide range burial products suit the needs of various non-muslim religions.
Also, Nirvana has set up the perpetual maintenance trust fund which to ensure the long-term maintenance of the park and customers only need to pay a one-and-for-all maintenance fee. The service provided by the fund included 24-hour security, maintenance of cleanliness and landscaping service.