面对亲人离世,你可能会出现各种不同的哀伤反应。这些反应有些只是暂时性的,有些则会持续一段时间及反复出现: 行为反应 哭泣 失眠 食欲障碍 心不在焉 社交退缩 梦见逝者 避免提起死者或看见死者一些遗物 叹气 坐立不安/活动过多 旧地重游及珍藏遗物 思想反应 不相信 幻觉...

Nirvana Announcement
Effective from 01/04/2018, the #AsNeedFuneralServicePackage (FSP) promotion offer will cease and selling at normal package price....

Nirvana Memorial Garden Burial Plot 富贵山庄世外桃源士毛月福地
Nirvana Memorial Park Semenyih burial plots are recognized by internationally acclaimed FengShui masters as excellent geomancy sites...

为什么会把祖先墓地違建在沟渠上面呢? 是否因为下面通"风",又有"水"沟? 墓地不仅是人们祭祀祖先的地方。自古以来人们多把墓地风水看得无比的重要。因为墓地的风水关系着几代人的运势,甚至还可能会关系着子孙百年的运势凶吉。如果墓地风水不好的话,会对子孙后辈的整体运势造成影响。...

About the Process of Dying
If you have never seen anyone die you may be afraid of what will happen. But the moment of death is usually peaceful. Caring for a person...

Nirvana Shah Alam Ming Palace 3 Special Discount 30%
Nirvana Shah Alam Ming Palace 3 Special Cash Discount Up To RM 13,440 Special Discount 30% for Ming Palace (MP3) Ground Floor D7 & D63...

Good New For Penang "Lang"
Nirvana (Penang) Funeral Service Package (Buddhist / Toaist) NV Jade (Buddhist / Toaist) 5 Days 4 Nights Service at Home or at Parlour...

![Best Choice [Burial Plot + Tomb]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/573573_c0d33a1f2b6241c8b902f6ca5ad60efd~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_670,h_883,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/573573_c0d33a1f2b6241c8b902f6ca5ad60efd~mv2.webp)
Best Choice [Burial Plot + Tomb]
Nirvana October Promotion 2017 Nirvana Memorial Park Klang Zone G Combo Lot Promotion (Burial Plot + Tomb) RM 66,800. SAVE UP TO...

![Best Deal [Burial Plot + Tomb]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/573573_3af65f5490a84cdeb89ba30c8d97a813~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_670,h_596,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/573573_3af65f5490a84cdeb89ba30c8d97a813~mv2.webp)
Best Deal [Burial Plot + Tomb]
Nirvana October Promotion 2017 Nirvana Memorial Park Semenyih Zone SN Combo Lot Promotion (Burial Plot + Tomb) RM 68,800. SAVE...

Do Not Choose Nirvana ! ! If you.....
Do Not Choose Nirvana! If you do not know "Planning for Love" "Planning for Love" is a responsibility "Planning for Love" is a concern...