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富貴安祥 / 如意 (佛教 / 道教)  3 天 2 夜殡仪服务配套

NV Elegant / Honour (Buddhist / Taoist) 3 days 2 nights funeral service package

(佛教 / 道教 / Buddhist / Taoist)

• 申报死亡,领取死亡与下葬证书

• 在丧府或富贵纪念馆设灵

• 备办轻便糕点咖啡茶

• 寿木

• 骨灰瓮

• 2晚诵经打斋 (佛教 / 道教)

• 3天2夜的水果与素食祭品

• 入验用品

• 麻衣孝服

• 精工制作纸扎(1套)

• 元宝蜡烛(1套)

• 糖果礼品

• 使用火化场或土葬仪式

• 豪华高贵灵车,礼车

• 乐队1组

• 送殡冷气巴士 (1辆, 44座位)

  • 白衣天使服務只限於巴生谷地區 / White Ladies service is available in Klang Valley only.

  • 所有展示相片乃属构思而已, 有关单位有权修改或增删所有资料。不能构作献议的一部份。/ All photos are impressions only. The information contained herein is subject to be changes as may be required by the relevant authorities & does not form part an offer or contract.

Nirvana Funeral Service 24 Hrs Care Line

: 019-9130013 (KL, Selangor, Johor)

: 012-4011217 (Penang)

Agent Wanted   征召代理

© 2015 by Nirvana Authorise.. Proudly created with Alen Yeoh, Evo Marketing.

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